Last week, we had the infamous INSEAD Dash. The Dash has been a tradition for a long time, and while I do not know its origins, it was fore sure a fun experience to be part of it.
On the day of the Dash, almost the whole class assembled in the morning in front of Heritage View, which is the condominium where I and a large proportion of the INSEAD students live. Everybody was wearing costumes, most of them rented from costume shops across the city. A very colorful crowd that assembled there indeed 🙂 After everyone had joined, the group then moved to campus – some literally dashing, others normally walking the 10 minute walk that I take every morning to school.
At school, everybody assembled in the courtyard for picture-taking, breakfast and small talk. Most people kept wearing their costumes the whole day, including in classes. A truly hilarious sight, a classroom full of Romans, bunnies, Indians, ducks, and many other strange creatures. The professors are obviously already used to this and didn’t let the students’ apparel distract them from their teaching.
In summary, it really was a fun day, and not quite the usual MBA routine. Some pictures follow.
- Everybody gathers at Heritage View
- On the way from Heritage to campus
- Arrival on campus
- Group picture on the main stairs
- Costume wearing continues during classes
- Costume wearing continues during classes
- The Dutch in common costume